The HJ Way

This isn't just another online programme! My squad and
I do 'health & fitness'

The HJ WAY...

Working together!
It’s hard to keep yourself accountable on your health & fitness journey, it's hard to stay consistent and motivated, it’s hard to do it alone! It doesn’t have to be hard though… this is where my expertise and I come in! I’m your pocket PT, providing you with literally all the resources & tools you need to be your healthiest, fittest, strongest, most confident self!! Not only will you be a part of an online community of women on the same journey as you, you’ll have me as your coach to guide and support you. The HJ Way programme provides you with everything you need to flourish on your health & fitness journey, at an affordable cost, making it far more of an investment than an expense!!

Achieving goals!
This isn’t a ‘quick fix’ programme, but one that’s intended to provide you with ongoing guidance, accountability, support & motivation to live a fit and healthy lifestyle, FOR LIFE. That being said, your nutrition guidance and training plan is personalised to you, and will specifically support you with any goal you may have e.g. fat loss, or building muscle. Many women exercise with no aim, they go to the gym with no idea if what their doing is most beneficial in working towards their goal, they repeat the exact same workouts, they may not feel confident in appropriately structuring their workouts, maybe they’re just doing random YouTube workouts, and/or trying all kinds of restrictive diets that are unenjoyable & unsustainable. If you can relate to one, few or all of the above situations, you will inevitably benefit from having a training plan to follow, that’s personalised to your needs, lifestyle, and goals. A training plan that is appropriately amended every 4 weeks, based on your feedback during your check-ins with me, to guarantee progression. You’ll also receive a blueprint meal plan/diet guide full of healthy recipes to keep you supported in fueling & nourishing your body! This is also personalised to you, your needs, lifestyle & dietary requirements. Not to mention our live workouts, as well as my coaching, support & guidance along the way!

You VS You!
I don’t do member competitions, I don’t care who can lose the most weight or complete the most steps etc. Your competition isn’t other women… your only competition is yourself. You are in this to become a better YOU, to make realistic progress (whatever that looks like for you - no matter how “small” or “slow”), and be physically & mentally fitter & stronger in order to thrive in every other area of your life! This “progress” will look different for everyone, and as your coach, I am dead against pressurising you to go ‘up against’ other women & potentially make you feel rubbish because you haven’t achieved what others have achieved. Comparison truly is the thief of joy. Remember even if everyone exercised and ate the exact same, we’d still all look completely different! It’s not just regarding how we look though, comparison is 100% ineffective in all aspects of ‘health and fitness’, because we are all different people, at different stages of our lives, facing different circumstances & personal situations. We all have different genetics and different health statuses, we’re different ages and abilities, and we’re simply living totally different lives. As your online coach, my priority is helping you to do the best YOU personally can, where YOU are, with what YOU have got. I am your biggest cheerleader, and I will celebrate your every win, regardless of how “small” or “slow”… and I’ll encourage you to do the same for yourself! I aim to support you to build your self esteem, and all-round improve your relationship with food, fitness, and your body!

Just eat it!
This isn’t a ‘diet’. We don’t unhealthily restrict. We don’t bore or burden ourselves with counting calories or imaginary syns. We don’t stop living our lives. We don’t punish or reward ourselves with food. We don’t have food rules. We simply nourish our bodies with a nutrient dense diet because we want to thrive, and value our physical & mental health. However, we also acknowledge that food is more than nourishment. It’s tradition, culture, pleasure, and joy, and it’s okay to celebrate the many roles food plays in our lives!

Have fun!
Nothing about this programme should feel like a chore or burden. We move our bodies together because we deem it a privilege that we can! We haven’t GOT to exercise; we GET to exercise! We aim to integrate exercise that we enjoy as an integral part of our routines & everyday lives. We love to exercise because we know these awesome machines as bodies are MADE TO MOVE, and we get to experience aaallll the long & short term physical & mental health benefits!

Why achieve

your goals
The HJ Way?

The HJ Way programme will not only provide

you with all of the personalised tools, and

resources you need to guarantee you to

achieve your health and fitness goals...

 You will be coached and educated by me,

and gain invaluable knowledge that will

last you a lifetime; benefitting you long

after we have worked together!

Besides your personalised plans, you

will also have the option to join in with
4 live home workouts per week
, instructed

by me! All workouts saved to catch-up!

Join the HJ Way Squad, and you will be a
part of an
empowering online community
of women
, all on your own journeys to help

support, and encourage each other!


I'm making it my mission to change as

many women's lives as possible via this

programme, I am positive it will have a

huge positive impact on your physical

and mental health, and well-being!

Work with me, and you're guaranteed to

develop a better understanding of and

relationship with food, fitness and your body!

This is a programme without an expiry date!

This is not another detrimental, damaging
FAD" or "quick fix"... this is a life-changing
all about realism, education,
health, happiness and sustainability

What are you waiting for, woman?!

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